S. Smith's Math 310 HomePage

Fall 2006

***NEW --- SOLUTIONS to final exam, given Wed 13 Dec (see link at "Sample Exams")
  Welcome to the homepage for Prof. Stephen Smith's Fall06 course:

          Math 310:  Applied Linear Algebra              

  (UIC call no.= 22632)

  Meeting at 10am MWF, in 220 Stevenson Hall (this is a ROOM CHANGE!)

  Instructor:   Stephen D. Smith
  Office:       536 SEO
  Office hours: (tentative) 9am MF, 11am W-- or call/drop by/make appt.
  Phone:        (312) 413-2165   (fax 996-1491)
  Email:        smiths@math.uic.edu

Main sections of this page: (click to move there)

Course Syllabus (and other information)

Sample Exams

Sample Applications of Linear Algebra

Further course handouts will be posted here, check regularly.

Other general information about Applied Linear Algebra (all sections) can be found in the "generic" Math 310 homepage:

Course Syllabus (and other information)

Course policies, and weekly homework assignments, are given in:
Some handouts on useful computer software:

Some handouts on problems (class and homework):

Sample Exams

You can click on the following to see exams (with solutions) I have given in earlier years. Exams for this semester should be reasonably similar (and will be posted with solutions after they are given).

  • PRACTICE Exam1e (view html/gif file)

    Sample Applications of Linear Algebra

    This section contains a number of single-page handouts, one corresponding to the material for each of the 15 weeks of the semester. Each contains a sample of how the linear algebra material is used in other science and engineering disciplines; mainly they are taken (with permission) from the actual textbooks used in those higher courses at UIC.

    It is a pleasure to acknowledge a summer 1994 grant to develop this material, from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, through the Council for Effective Teaching and Learning. Additionally I would like to thank the many faculty from those other departments who helped advise me with the preparation.

    URL for this page: http://www.math.uic.edu/~smiths/courses/m310
    Last revised: Wed 2 Aug 2006 by S. Smith